Heali Athlete Meb Keflezighi lived an inspiring life. From being born in the Eritrean War of Independence to becoming a 4-time Olympian, we all can learn a thing or two from his journey.

Take a look at an article he did for Newsweek below or click here to read it on Newsweek.

I was born right in the middle of the Eritrean War of Independence, while Eritrea and Ethiopia were at war, in total, for 30 years. Life in Eritrea was dangerous and unpredictable.

Being an Eritrean and helping the military, my dad was wanted by the Ethiopian soldiers. Therefore, he had to make a tough decision to escape the country. He walked over 225 miles to freedom—in Sudan—which took him 7 days. That journey was tough on my mom, having 5 kids and another on the way. It was difficult for everyone, but we had strong faith in each other.

It was through God's plan, my dad's tough decision and perseverance, and my dad's boss, Dr. Brandicci's generosity, in addition to the kindness of many other people, that we got saved from the war-torn country.

Coming from a third-world country where there is no electricity and running water to a developed country like Italy was a shock to the senses. For example, I didn't know how the people fit inside the TV screen—I remember looking behind the TV to find the people. Additionally, the language was different and so was the color of the people. There was much to learn and adjust to.

The hardships I faced were the language barrier and the food. I might have been 10 years old, but I was not exposed to the food of other cultures. That was hard to overcome, but also living in another culture from the only one you had known your whole life was a big adjustment.

Most of my communication was with my siblings and parents, and as we moved to new places before coming to San Diego and the U.S., it was like learning everything all over again.

My God-given talent was discovered at an early age, in 7th grade Physical Education class. Fortunately for me, I discovered immediately that like running, and it was a way to make friends and learn English. My ability to improve, coupled with my passion for running, accelerated my performance quickly to a high level. With that, my passion literally ran away with me, to becoming a 4-time Olympian.

From high school nationals to UCLA and NCAA Championships, and on to becoming a professional, though the time was over many years, my running progressed quickly at each level.

From those who saw me run, the opportunity seemed clear to them. However, to me, running was a way to get an "A" in the class—and earn a Roosevelt Mile Club T-Shirt. To others, they saw my bright future all the way to the Olympics and being a possible medalist.

It's surreal to be named one of the most influential people in running. That 7th grade P.E. class changed my life. It allowed me to be invited to have dinner with President Barack Obama, to become a 4-time Olympian, to be the only runner in history to have won the New York City Marathon, the Boston Marathon, and an Olympic medal.

I had a long journey to success and many more miles from my first gym class to the world-class marathoner I became.

Making my 4th Olympic in February 2016 was incredible. I was 41 years old and the oldest American marathoner at the time. Running was fun, but my body was taking the toll and the speed was decreasing. But my childhood struggles were driving me to work hard and have the grit to maximize the opportunities that were provided to me.

My go-to tools in training are the various types of New Balance shoes for my running, and the support and benefits of HEALI Tape to allow me to be healthy and support me to log in the miles.

It is important to have stable muscles, which is why the tape is amazing. Also, it helps me recover from my runs and be able to find relief from the aches and pins that are caused by running and age. The tape contains Menthol and Magnesium infused together, which offers me support, pin relief and faster recovery.

My parents, siblings, and family have been there by my side the whole way. The example set forth by my mother and father, to all of us, cannot be understated.

Also, over the years, I have had wonderful teammates, coaches, classmates, and friends who have helped me accomplish these extraordinary things. And finally, I am humbled by the support of the fans I have from all over the world. Their cheers are what keep me going, even during the toughest races.

I am also incredibly thankful for the support of my sponsors: those who gave me the opportunity to compete for many years at a high level, and those who are now with me as I continue to be an ambassador for this beautiful sport of running.

I am so excited to sit, relax and watch my fellow U.S. Olympians—because once an Olympian, always an Olympian—and the world's best athletes accomplish their Olympic dreams.

I have been there, but now I can cheer for the next generation to do their thing. I have a special place in my heart for track and field athletes. But I love all sports and the Olympic platform.

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